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PetPal was a group project three other friends and I had to do for CSC309 - Programming on the Web. We were tasked with creating a pet adoption website throughout the semester. Our task was to implement both the frontend and the backend for this website. It was to have functionalities such as user login/logout, creating pet listings, and shelter reviews.

The website's frontend was made using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

The website's backend was made using Django and Django REST Framework.

Credits to Dina Lojpur, Charlie Morocz, Selin Naz Tasman, and Jamie Yi

Some Images

Here are some screencaps of our website in action. Click to enlarge.

My Thoughts On The Final Product

I'm very proud of the work my friends and I were able to accomplish. Given the 96% average we received across all three phases of the project, I'd say my pride is well-founded. Watching the website slowly come together over three months was very satisfying.

It was not a breezy task, however. Due to the stringent requirements of the rubric for the project, there were a lot of fine details that would have to be ironed out if we wanted to get a high mark. On top of that, the course also had three solo assignments with overlapping timeframes. I personally think 3 assignments + 3 project deliverable phases is too much for a course that also has a midterm and a final. This all contributed to the considerably stressful time I had in this course, even if I was learning a lot. If nothing else, I'm glad to have worked on this project with my friends: spending time with them crying tears of happiness and stress, strengthening our bonds over the semester.

What Next?

Taking CSC309 and completing the project is what gave me the confidence to create this website. It's always nice to apply something you learned in school to "real life", it gives me a greater sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in that I didn't just take the course for a number on my transcript. I'll be honest, it's a lot more fun creating a website when you're not bound by a rubric and you are in charge of all creative decisions.